Migrant Mother To order your DVD of Child of Giants: My Journey with Maynard Dixon and Dorothea Lange (with over 30 minutes of Bonus Scenes), you can use Paypal:
Shipping Options

Or please send your check made payable to “Child of Giants” to:

Child of Giants, c/o Tom Ropelewski
2829 Regent St.
Berkeley, CA 94705

U.S. (except California - $29.95 plus $5 shipping) - $34.95 USD
California ($29.95 plus $5 shipping and $2.85 CA sales tax) - $37.80 USD
International ($29.95 plus $14.95 shipping) - $44.90 USD

Please include your shipping address and a contact e-mail address (if available). Visa and Mastercard are also accepted. Please include Cardholder’s Name, Card Number, and Expiration Date.

For Educational and Institutional Sales or Rentals, please contact the film’s distributor, The Cinema Guild, at (800) 723-5522 or at www.cinemaguild.com.